Friday, April 16, 2010

How running is changing my life

Several times in the past I've tried to take up running and ultimately failed, usually because of burnout. I have a tendency to get very passionate about something and let it consume me for a while, then get utterly sick of it and refuse to look at it again for months - sometimes years.

(Sadly, this happened to me in college with music, and I'm only now starting to rediscover my passion for it.)

This year, however, I've made a commitment to running that I intend to keep. My parents are both long-time runners, and we have a home gym and a great treadmill, so I have no lack of resources.

The only problem is that because of a lifestyle choice I've made, I eat 1-2 times a day, usually between 6-10pm. This means I have to try to get in all my caloric and nutritional needs - which have increased since I started running - in the span of four hours.

What's interesting is that I've never kept a particularly good diet or been inspired to eat well, but now, it's becoming harder for me to eat junk food. I'm pretty sure that's because of running.

I'm not doing a lot; I've intentionally been pacing myself to run only 2-3 miles (with periods of walking when I get tired) 3-5 days a week. I've been tracking my pace and mileage, but not hawking it. I've been taking note of changes in my body and level of endurance.

I'm just starting to think that running is literally making my body want to eat better, which is an interesting phenomenon. On top of that, my mood in the evenings after running is (usually) very good, and I've found an increased level of mental clarity and productivity that I never had before I started running.

The trick now is just figuring out how to balance what my body needs with my exercise routine - and to not obsess over it. Good luck, huh?

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